Cost of IVF - Answers of your Top Questions

The cost of IVF can be very expensive; make sure you know exactly what you are paying for. Not all clinics charge the same, so be sure to do your research. Common questions about IVF cost in Pakistan:

1. How much will IVF cost?

IVF will cost an average of between Rs200,000 to Rs400,000. You will pay at least Rs200,000 and maybe even up to Rs400,000 depending on your region. The costs shown are for a standard IVF procedure. This does not include assisted hatching, ICSI, or egg/sperm donation.

2. Can I get a “Packaged Deal" on IVF?

Yes, you can. Some clinics in Pakistan offer programs for multiple IVF. You pay a lump sum, usually around Rs300,000 to Rs600,000, for a few chances at IVF. Some clinics will even reimburse part of this money if you don't succeed after the third IVF. When considering this option, think about your chances of getting pregnant using IVF. If your chances are good, you may not want to opt for this option. For example, you and your partner must undergo IVF because your tubes have been removed. Your fertility is good, apart from the fact that sperm cannot reach the egg. You decide to do the package, but end up having a baby the first time. Now, you've spent Rs400,000 on an IVF cycle that should have cost you Rs200,000. I'm not telling you to exclude it, as it can be a great option for some people. Most people don't get pregnant the first time.

3. Does the insurance cover IVF?

Some people are lucky enough to have IVF insurance, but most insurances only cover a certain number of trials, or they don't cover it at all! You may want to check this before you start your IVF cycle. If your insurance does not cover IVF and you can easily find a job in your area, you may even want to consider switching jobs to a company that has IVF coverage.

4. Are there any hidden fees?

If you want to do ICSI in Lahore, assisted hatching or use donor eggs or sperm and sperm freezing, additional fees will apply. When you decide if you want to use any of these methods, keep in mind that they can increase your chances of success and, in the long run, they can reduce the cost of IVF in Pakistan.

To find out how you can reduce your IVF costs in Pakistan, please feel free to contact us and also join our community (Infertility Support Group of Pakistan) for discussion. It is a great resource to help you increase your chances of IVF success and teach you how to reduce the IVF cost in Pakistan.


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